August Whitman Updates

School Committee vacancies

While the Select Board and School Committee were figuring out how to fill the vacancy created by the unexpected passing of Frederick Small, David Forth surprised us with a resignation to pursue higher education. As a result, the 5 members of the Select Board and remaining 4 Whitman School Committee members will be meeting jointly soon to appoint 2 members to serve until the May Annual Town Election, when the remaining 2 years of Fred’s term and remaining 1 year of David’s will be on the ballot. If you’re interested in serving on the School Committee send a resume and letter of interest to Whitman Town Administrator Mary Beth Carter. 

Express article:

WHCA recording:

cannabis license / Park Ave Property discussion

The Whitman Select Board opted to modify the town’s Host Community Agreement with Berkeley Botanicals to expedite approval with the Cannabis Control Commission, while requiring another hearing with the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Board also discussed the legal conundrum of the Park Ave property, and suggested some possible uses.

Express article:

WHCA recording:

West Nile Virus / EEE

Mass DPH has moved Whitman to high risk for West Nile Virus, and a mosquito in Whitman recently tested positive for EEE. Cover up, use bug spray, get rid of standing water, and avoid outdoors at dawn and dusk when mosquitos are most active.

Express article:

Open space plan

Whitman is looking to update its nearly 25 year old open space span, and has enlisted the help of the Old Colony Planning Council to do it. OCPC is kicking this off with a survey. Complete it at:

South Shore Tech Updates

South Shore Tech’s Building Committee voted a Schematic Design budget for their proposed high school of $276 million, with the districts share expected to be just under $168 million. How that gets divided among member towns is a question coming to Special Town meetings (Whitman December 2), the school committee voted to amend the regional agreement to address assessing capital debt annually on a rolling 4 year average enrollment. 

Express article: article:

McGuiggan’s and the Patio changing hands

The two restaurants in Whitman center are changing hands sometime in October. I’m sure we’ll learn more about the new owners in the coming weeks, but for the time being I want to thank the Rosen family for their vision and commitment to bringing night life back to downtown Whitman.

Facebook post:


State Primary Day 9/3, polls open 7am-8pm at Town Hall. Dog license deadline 8/31 before a late fee. School is back, watch out for kids in the morning and don’t pass school busses while the stop sign is out.

Justin Evans