July Whitman Updates
Whitman Recreation Family Fun Day
Another incredible event sponsored by our Recreation Commission. It’s geared toward all ages, but I know a 2 year old that had an absolute blast racing, bouncing, and eating ice cream. And now when we go to the park she asks if we can get ice cream. Follow the link for Officer Andrews showing off the Cotton Eye Joe with some Whitman Rec Counselors.
Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/JCBawwD9S28jpH44/
Fire Department Promotions
One of my favorite events, on July 23 we held a promotional ceremony where the Town Clerk swore in Tom Ford as Deputy Fire Chief and Brian Trefry as Lieutenant. Congratulations to our new officers!
Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/tb1idZ3CAjQUVYhY/
WHCA recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKvFMhZ_SGc
Financial Trend Monitoring
The Whitman Select Board is getting an early start on the FY26 budget process, which includes rethinking our assumptions and starting points, and considering a financial trend monitoring tool. Shawn Kain has been encouraging this effort for years, and finally has the support of a Community Compact Best Practice grant to put some best practices in place. Watch for this as we begin the budget process.
Express article: https://whitmanhansonexpress.com/financial-health-check-up/
WHCA recording: https://youtu.be/vKvFMhZ_SGc?si=tEbM8JZT2gAeItpA&t=3389
Concerts in the park
The first three summer concerts have been a huge hit! August 1 is Kid’s Night with a Juggler for a change, but then concerts continue Thursdays at 6pm for 8/8, 8/15, and 8/29. These events are sponsored by the Whitman Cultural Council. Bring a chair and enjoy music in the park!!
Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/kpnsssauzLDTBz4P/
South Shore Tech Regional Agreement
At their meeting on July 24, the South Shore Tech School Committee proposed a change to their Regional Agreement and how capital debt is assessed. The current method looks back at a 3 year average for enrollment from each towns, and assesses the debt proportionally for the life of the debt, the proposed change recalculates the amounts annually on a 4 year rolling average. You might wonder why, well the district is considering borrowing almost 300 million dollars in a 30 year bond if voters in member towns approve a new High School at a January election. With the current formula Whitman owns the largest share of the debt, so I see this as a good change for us. Look for Special Town Meetings this fall, where at least 6 of the 9 member towns would need to approve the change.
Meeting video: https://youtu.be/FJBER35LgcM?si=yRcHYVfXKaK7vLij
Municipal Local Cybersecurity Grant
Huge shout out to Technology Director Josh MacNeil for seeking and receiving an $80K Cybersecurity Grant for the Town of Whitman. We’re always on the lookout for outside money, and Josh always seems to succeed in finding grant opportunities.
Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/x8t15CSEsfNAsUKh/
Fred Small
Whitman lost one of its most passionate and committed volunteers this week. As best I can tell, Fred gave about 25 years to the town serving on the Recreation Commission, Finance Committee, Capital Committee, School Committee, and various building committees and subcommittees, not to mention Whitman Little League. To say we didn’t always agree would be an understatement, but Fred always respected my reasoning and always tried to explain his. I was able to serve with him on the Capital Committee and Middle School Building Committee and can confidently say the Town is better off for his years of service. Rest in Peace Fred.