February Whitman Updates
FY26 Budget
School Budget Hearing
The Superintendent presented a 66 million dollar budget to fund level services to the School Committee at their annual budget hearing. That is a 5.6% increase over last year, but due to flat state aid Whitman is facing a 9.6% increase in our assessment to meet it.
Express articles: https://whitmanhansonexpress.com/w-h-school-budget-unveiled-for-fy26/ and https://whitmanhansonexpress.com/challenge-ahead-on-special-education-funding/
WHCA recording: https://youtu.be/0qBhK8sdRnE?si=pvECwmZvcrUvBvOR
Whitman Override Taking Shape
The Select Board and Finance Committee started narrowing the scope of an override to be presented to voters. A process that basically began at last years town meeting by using $509K in free cash is starting to look like an override this year in the neighborhood of $2-2.5 million. One more joint meeting is planned for March 25 before public forums in April.
Override estimator: https://votejustinevans.com/override
Express article: https://whitmanhansonexpress.com/whitman-eyes-override-terms/
WHCA recording: https://youtu.be/J3H5KBgnxGw?si=3co-JoRRWXGkAAZr
Other news
Whitman’s 150th has events from April to June (photo)
Express article: https://whitmanhansonexpress.com/whitman-plans-a-150th-birthday/
WHCA recording: https://youtu.be/x-awBRBdQwM?si=j7OMxHnLiGoAju0i
Matt Busch Jr. Graduates Fire Academy
Whitman Firefighter/EMT Matt Busch Jr. was one of 18 graduates on Feb 14.
Express article: https://whitmanhansonexpress.com/wfds-busch-graduates-firefighter-academy/
School Audit
Whitman and Hanson shared the cost of a comparison of Whitman-Hanson and 2 town regional schools in comparable communities. The bottom line, we’re generally middle of the pack, spending more on teachers and less on admin than our peers.
Express article: https://whitmanhansonexpress.com/school-audit-leaves-some-questions/
WHCA recording: https://youtu.be/x-awBRBdQwM?si=j7OMxHnLiGoAju0i
Upcoming events:
Whitman’s 150th birthday March 4, kickoff dinner April 5
Taste of Whitman and Hanson March 6 https://www.facebook.com/share/1DxgZfEkRV/?mibextid=wwXIfr