November Whitman Updates
Five Whitman Firefighters Honored
Whitman Firefighter/Paramedics Zachary Baldwin, Russell Lucas, Jerry Thompson, Justin Everson and Joseph Lasko were honored with a Group Citation for Meritorious Conduct at the 35th Annual Massachusetts Firefighter of the Year awards. The five jumped into action while at an emergency when their shift commander suffered a potentially fatal medical emergency on Christmas Day. We’re very proud of our firefighters, and in this instance they likely saved one of their colleagues.
Express article:
Facebook post:
Mass DFS video:
Fire Promotions
It was a pleasure to recognize the promotion of two of our Firefighters at a ceremony in Town Hall. If you see them around town, be sure to congratulate Deputy Chief Nick Grasso and Lieutenant Pat Travers!
Facebook post:
South Shore News article:
WHCA recording:
Tax Rate (nearly) set
The Select Board opted to keep the uniform tax rate, and expects the rate to be set at $13.12 / $1000. There was a good discussion about considering opportunities to shift the tax burden in the future as we begin to borrow for upcoming building projects.
South Shore News article:
WHCA recording:
Special Town Meeting
Tonight Whitman became the 4th town to vote to adopt the amendment to the South Shore Tech regional agreement changing the way debt is assessed. 6 of the 9 member towns need to vote the amendment for it to take effect. That could happen next Monday night.
School Committee Honors Fred Small
The school committee took a minute to honor the memory of member Fred Small, who served four terms and had just been elected to his fifth before passing this summer. It was a touching ceremony recognizing his dedication to public service even as his health was failing.
Express article:
WHCA recording:
Camp Alice Carleton Land
The Camp Alice Carleton Committee brought their recommendation to the Select Board. The Board should attempt to sell the Rockland portion of the land to the Town of Rockland with an agreement to protect Rockland’s 30 acres from development and maintain access via Whitman’s remaining 10 acres. If Whitman retains the land in Rockland, we’ll owe them an annual payment in lieu of taxes, and have some restrictions on what we can do with the land.
Express article:
South Shore News article:
WHCA recording: