November Updates
Hey Whitman,
Trying something new. I’d like to be a little better about sharing news in Town, and I just happen to have a blog here. Not sure how often I’ll do this, but it’s been a pretty eventful fall so I’ll start there.
We held a Special Town Meeting on October 30 where additional money was transferred to proceed with the DPW building project approved in May, Whitman became a “Right to Farm” community, and the first vote was taken to authorize construction of a new Whitman Middle School. I spoke on the Middle School and a request to transfer new growth that came in above our initial protection to the Town’s Capital Stabilization Account. You can watch the meeting on WHCAs YouTube page.
Me addressing Town Meeting, screenshot from WHCA recording
That following weekend the Middle School Project received a yes vote on the second step needed to proceed. At a Special Town Election 1005 people voted yes, 836 voted no, and one ballot was recorded as blank. (I asked Town Clerk Dawn Varley about the blank, it was an “over vote” where a stray mark went through the no bubble, but the voter’s intent seemed to be yes). A new Whitman Middle School is expected to open in the fall of 2027.
Architects rendering of the new Whitman Middle School
I joined Selectman Laura Howe, Town Administrator Mary Beth Carter, and Veterans Service Officer Shannon Burke in Rockland for the 70th anniversary Tri-Town Veterans Day Parade. We were accompanied by officials from Abington and Rockland, as well as our first responders, veterans, marching bands and scouts to honor our Veterans and thank them for their service! Photo credit Abington Selectman Alex Hagerty.
Town officials from the three towns of Old Abington (Whitman, Abington, and Rockland)
Whitman also held a ceremony recognizing the towns Purple Heart recipients, unveiling our new signs, and officially completing the process to become a Purple Heart Community. This started as an innocent question I had asked the previous Veterans Service Officer in early 2021. “What are those signs other towns have? Should we do that?” The Board of Selectmen officially proclaimed Whitman as a Purple Heart Community at a meeting on June 8, 2021. That started the process of researching our recipients of the Purple Heart, finding sponsors for the signs, and determining locations to put them. It all culminated in a wonderful ceremony at the American Legion on November 15!
The signs that will be posted around Whitman
Hornstra Dairy Farm opened at the site of the old Peaceful Meadows in time to sell egg nog before Thanksgiving!! And the crowds have been there ever since! You might remember that John Hornstra was the winner of the auction at the end of August. He had met with town officials, including myself, several times to gauge our level of support with what he planned on doing if he were the winning bidder. Following the auction he moved quickly to make some repairs and aesthetic improvements to the site, and followed up with those same officials about pursuing an agricultural or conservation restriction on the land. Opening up access to grant money to pay for such a restriction is one of the reasons Whitman wasted no time in adopting a Right to Farm bylaw, and are immediately pursuing an agricultural assessment of the Town, considering an agricultural commission and pursuing updates to the Town’s (outdated) Open Space Plan. That potential deed restriction is something to watch over the next year and a half.
The new sign at Hornstra Farms on route 18
Staff highlights: we welcomed two new full time police officers from the ranks of our auxiliaries. Officers Robert Hoey and Patrick Hickey graduated from the Randolph Police Academy at the end of October. Additionally former School Resource Officer Kevin Harrington was promoted to Sergeant, and Officer Mark Poirier has taken Sgt Harrington’s former position as School Resource Officer. At the Fire Department Deputy Chief Al Cunningham retired after 28 years of service, and Jason Mahoney was appointed as the Provisional Deputy Chief until the Town has an updated Civil Service Promotional List. And on November 21 Whitman Firefighter / paramedic Rich MacKinnon was recognized for Meritorious Conduct at the Firefighter of the Year awards in Worcester for his actions during a cardiac arrest on a flight.
Whitman FF/Paramedic receiving the Governor’s Citation for Meritorious Conduct
Upcoming dates:
Whitman Police 8th Annual Stuff a Cruiser December 2
Southeastern Philharmonic Orchestra Holiday Concert December 3 @2:30
Holiday Tree Lights in the Park to support Dollars for Scholars December 8, 9, and 10
Council on Aging Christmas Luncheon at Town Hall December 11 @noon. Seating is limited so sign up in advance
Free Concert: Music of the Season with Ruth Harcovitz sponsored by the Whitman Cultural Council December 17 @2pm